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Spinal pain is often debilitating and worrying for anyone. It is in fact one of the most common causes of pain. Causes of spinal pain are often complex and may have a number of contributing factors. At Keystone Health we are passionate about finding the cause of the problem - not just treating the symptoms and we aim to prevent re-occurrence.


Complex Pain Disorders pain is never a nice experience, particularly if you have been suffering pain for a long-time. Pain is not just a sensation that you feel – in fact pain is an output from our brain. In normal circumstances the brain uses pain as an amazing alarm system, it is a way of letting you know that you need to slow down or change what you are doing. But what if pain is around for months or even years? What if it is getting worse? Why won’t it go away? You may even be feeling easily fatigued, like your losing your ability to be active, frustrated or even depressed. This is a very real experience for many people and for some can be quite debilitating. You may have been coined with the term chronic pain, persistent pain, complex pain or CRPS. Is this change permanent? Not at all! Can it get better? Definitely! At Keystone Health we love helping people with these conditions, we understand how frustrating this can be. We take a holistic approach of a person not just simply thinking about the muscles or the bones. We also look at what is going on with your bodies alarm system and how this experience is affecting your life. We believe we can help!


Headaches and Migraines are often caused by a combination of reasons, including: Posture, Stress, Neck Muscle & Health/Imbalance.

Physiotherapy will often completely resolve problems associated with chronic headaches/migraines.


Vertigo is a very common problem and can be caused from a number of things. One of the most common causes of vertigo is BPPV - Benign Paroxysmall Pasitional Vertigo. It is basically a problem inside your ear with a system that helps us to stay balanced. But don't be alarmed - it's easy fixed. With a few simple positional changes, majority of BPPV can be resolved with 1or 2 specific sessions with us.



Dry needling is a western form of acupuncture that is used to aid healing and muscle tension in the body. We believe it can be an effective part of an overall treatment program and can often aid tissue tension and health with immediate effects. It is safe and we only use it if we think it will be effective and you agree to give it a try. All of our physiotherapists have taken the appropriate training in administering dry needling.



Walking and running patterns are often the underlying cause to a problem, can predispose you to injury or may be inhibiting you performance. Our highly skilled physiotherapists are able to detect subtle variations in gait and running techniques and through a number of methods can alter these patterns for injury recovery, prevention and enhancing performance. 


Keystone Health will attend to pre-screening assessments of workers or sportsmen alike. Our assessments not only include areas of weakness/possible problems - But also strategies to improve worker safety or athletic performance.


We offer multiple group classes at Keystone Health that focus on chronic diseases, fall prevention, complex pain and post orthopedic rehabilitation. Group classes are a great way to rehab/improve the body in specific ways, as well as improving general fitness. All our classes are run by one of our expert Physiotherapists or Exercise Physiologists.

Our Clinical Fitness Classes are based on an individual's needs and exercise capabilities and include:

  • General Fitness

  • Specialised classes including: Activate, Control, Still Standing (Falls Prevention & Balance), Active Vision, Rehabilitation and more

  • Hydrotherapy (currently on hold due to COVID restrictions)


We offer Clinical Pilates under the guidance of one of our skilled Clinical Pilates Instructors. Classes cover a range of experience and use mat work, reformer and other Pilates equipment and aids.


Pilates builds strength, flexibility and lean muscle tone with emphasis on lengthening the body and aligning the spine.  Pilates uses correct alignment, centering, concentration, control, precision, breathing, and flowing movement (the Pilates principles) to establish a balanced body inside and out. It is suitable for treating, managing and preventing lower back pain, neck pain, and other postural injuries and enhancing athletic performance.


Clinical Pilates takes a personalised approach to treatment. A program of exercises specific to your individual needs is developed by a trained professional after an initial assessment of your health, posture, movement patterns, exercise history, injuries and restrictions. This form of Pilates will adapt and change to suit your level and abilities. The goal of Clinical Pilates is to help activate the specific muscles in your body that will bring the biggest rewards.  Your instructor will understand from working with you exactly what your body needs and prescribe a Pilates program that gets to the core of your problem.

The equipment and aids used in Clinical Pilates such as the reformers and trapeze tables allow exercises to be non-weight bearing, light resistance, heavy resistance or body weight assisted, and to be done in any different position. So if you can’t lie on your back, sit on your knees, flex your elbow or turn your neck there are still plenty of options for you that will be taught by your qualified instructor. 


Hydrotherapy can help relieve pain, improve joint mobility muscle length and flexibility, promote relaxation, improve balance and coordination and improve overall fitness and wellbeing.


At Keystone Health we love making a difference to our elderly population.

We provide services to multiple aged care facilities in our community including Garden Village in Port Macquarie and Vincent Court and Booroongen Djujun in Kempsey. We aim to make a difference to our clients/residents quality of life and focus on areas such as:

  • Pain Management

  • Falls Prevention

  • Injury Management

  • Strengthening Programs

  • Group Classes

  • Staff Training / In services


If you are interested in physiotherapy services within the Mid-North Coast at your facility please contact us!

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